I had an absolutely wonderful time at the CHADD Conference in Anaheim, CA last week. Dusty Chipura moderated a panel with myself, Frankie Berkoben (https://www.franklyquiteadhd.com/) and Jessica McCabe (https://howtoadhd.com/) entitled ADHD Meets Postpartum. The room was packed and we went way overtime answering questions.
I also many awesome folks focusing on
ADHD in Women -Katie Sue https://creators.spotify.com/pod/show/thekdhdpodcast
ADHD & Sex-Dr Lyne Piche https://drlynepiche.com/adhd-and-sex/
ADHD & EMDR Research -Noelle Lynn https://adhdcenterofwestmichigan.com/noelle-lynn/
more posts to come as I share about all the cool people and things